
june eighth.

I've been terrible at keeping this updated (I probably have been/will continue to begin many of my posts this way), but I have good reason. As I mentioned previously, I've been cleaning and organising like crazy, trying to rearrange everything how I want it and getting rid of clothes and things I no longer want or wear to make things a little less cluttered and a little more pretty. I've been in the process of doing this little by little over the past few months but when I found out my lovely cousin/best friend was coming to visit very soon I started scrambling to get things done even quicker. She will be arriving tomorrow afternoon, and we have some really cute/fun little dates planned (mixed in with just the right dose of laziness and doing nothing). Exciting!

There were a few things I needed at the market so when I walked in today and saw these pretty flowers I grabbed a few bunches to arrange and spread out around the house. I spent at least an hour snipping away at stems and leaves and arranging little bouquets (and apologising to the flowers as I cut them, I'm strange) and placing them in my favorite glass bottles and jars, and then spent almost as much time snapping photos of them because I think they turned out really lovely.


  1. Love that you apologized to the flowers for cutting them. Haha. Reminds me of something I read once where someone always said, "Thank you" when vending machines gave them their snack or drink or whatever, but they tried to say it quietly so that no one would think they were nuts. It never hurts to be polite! :) Hope you have fun with your cousin!

  2. now that i can finally reply- thank you!


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